
Showing posts from January, 2019

2019 - Where are we now?

If you haven't seen it have a look on the " HOME " page at the top this page for my latest post. A summary and update of 2017.  is my new website which hosts all of my blogs: tenerifebybus ( IN TENERIFE ), onemaninsouthafrica ( IN SOUTH AFRICA ), onemaninthailand ( IN THAILAND ), onemaninbulgaria (IN BULGARIA), onemanineurope ( IN EUROPE ) and onemaninspain (currently  IN SPAIN ). Stop the press:  New posts added from France to   - my adventures through 2018 and onward...    I promise that I will complete the story of my journey across Europe and other places as soon as I can. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, there always seems to be a new horizon ahead.